Item Substitutions in Dynamics NAV(Navision) can be used when you have 2 items that are similar and can be used to substitute each other. When you create a work order that using an Item can be interchangable or when you create a sales order for either one of the item, you want to know the inventory level of the other item if the item that you want to sell is out of stock or in shortage. With this information, you can use the substitute item in the sales order instead. This will help you avoid losing sales due to item shortage or out of stock.
Navision allow you to link two or more items together as subsitutes if you have purchased the 'Inventory - Item Substitutions' granule.
To setup the Item Substitution:
To setup the Item Substitution:
1) Open Item Card.
2) In the Item Card, click Item --Substitutions.
3) Enter the Substitute item in the Item Substitution Entry window.
You can substitute an item with Item or Nonstock Item by defining it at the SubType field. The Interchangeable field indicates whether the item and substitute can be interchange or not. The item and substitute are interchangeable if a check mark is placed in the Interchanceable field. The condition field is to indicate whether comment is entered for this substitution or not. To enter comment for the conditions, click on the Condition button to open the Condition window and then enter your comment as the condition.
Please note that the condition is just a comment.
The Item Substitution Entry is stored in Table 5715 - Item Substitution.